"Scheduling" page

The "Scheduling" page contains settings of automatic starting and finishing of the tasks.

"Scheduling" page

By checking off the box "Start task with Operating system" the user tells the program that the task being created is going to be started immediately after the user's logging on. This box is not checked off by default.

The check box "Automatically start this task with AVAST32" starts the run of the task automatically after the start-up of the AVAST32 program. The running of the task with the AVAST32 is disabled by default.

The following two check boxes will influence only the non-resident tasks, i.e. the tasks containing the virus scanning or the integrity checking. Their setting in not allowed by the resident tasks.

The check box "Exit after last pending task will stop" activates the automatic closing of the AVAST32 after the end of the last task running. This possibility can be used especially in the case of the tasks which are started otherwise than directly from the AVAST32, e.g. with help of a shortcut on the desktop. The box is not checked off by default

On this page the user can choose a task that will start when the current task is finished.

The name of such a task can be type in the task name box or can be chosen from already created tasks list. If you click on the "Browse" button next to the text box tasks list will appear. Text box contains no text by default.

"Priority" page